This is a list of the basic docker commands which I hope will help everyone that is just starting in the docker containers world.
Assuming that you have a basic knowledge of what containers are and what they do, this post can act as a quick reference to some of the commands you will be using most often.
Help and information
$ docker help <command>
Retrieves help for the designated command
$ docker version
Returns information about the docker client and server
Starting a container
$ docker run ubuntu /bin/echo “Hello world”
- Creates and starts a container based on the ubuntu image
- Runs the /bin/echo “Hello world” command
- Exits
$ docker run –i –t ubuntu /bin/bash
- Creates a container based on the ubuntu image
- Starts it in interactive mode, accepting input from the STDIN
- Attaches a pseudo terminal
- Run the /bin/bash shell, giving in essence terminal access to the container
$ docker run -d ubuntu top -b
- Creates a container based on the ubuntu image
- Starts the container in the background
- Runs a non terminating command (i.e. a daemon, webserver, etc)
- Exits without terminating the container
$ docker start <running container name>
Starts a previously stopped container. Particularly useful, when you do not want to create a new container every time you come back to where you stopped before.
$ docker logs <container name|container ID>
Returns the latest snapshot of the output of a running container. If you execute it in the top -b daemon created above, it will show you the latest top command output.
$ docker logs –f <running container name|running container ID>
Same as before but follows the log output, just like the tail -f command.
$ docker top <running container name|running container ID>
Lists the processes running on the container.
$ docker exec -it <running container name|running container id> <command>
Interacting with a running container
- Attaches to the designated running container
- Executes the command
- Exits without terminating the container
$ docker attach <running container name>
- Attaches to the designated running container
To exit without stopping the container you need to press <CTRL-P><CTRL-Q>
$ docker stop <running container name>
Terminates the designated running container.
Checking your images and containers
$ docker ps
Lists the running containers.
$ docker ps -a
Lists all the containers, including the stopped ones
$ docker images
Lists all the locally existing images
Working with repositories
$ docker pull <image name>
Pulls the designated image from the docker hub without creating a container.
$ docker search <image name>
Searches the docker hub for the designated image.
$ docker diff <container name|container ID>
Outputs the differences of the container to the image it was created from
$ docker commit <container name|container ID> <image tag>
Commits the designated container with the given image tag.
$ docker rm <container name|container ID>
Deletes the designated container. The container must be a stopped one.
$ docker rmi <image ID>
I will upload a new post, with some more involved stuff, like working with docker files, mounting volumes and networking, so stay tuned.